Friday 5 July 2013

"Hunger Games: Training" -Game Promotion

Hey everyoneeeee!

In our third Media session we did a project on creating a video game promotion. We had to create a promotion for a new game called "The hunger games: Training". During the process of designing the game  promotion I believe that my group (Me, Radhika, Manita & Sara) worked very efficiently and gave out the roles effectively depending on who suited which role best. Additionally, this helped us tackle the task very quickly and effectively. In my opinion it was "easy-peasy!" :)  

During the task Radhika took the role of Account manager, Sara took the role of Finance director, Manita took the role of Creative ideas director and I took the role of Art director as i enjoy designing. Overall as a group we spent our money very well as we didn't go over the budget and only spent 920,000 out of a whopping 1,000,000!

As I took on the role of the art director i had to make sure that i created a catchy logo & cover for the game in order to promote it well. Luckily, me and Radhika succeeded in doing so. We created a logo, slogan & game cover that we believe would attract a lot of good attention and help the game sell. 

Here it is: 

Game cover!

In the game cover i have included the slogan "Never let the fear of striking keep you from playing the game...". I chose to put it there as it would persuade the customer to buy it as it is catchy. I also put the logos of the game consoles it can be played on and the age range because its important that the customer knows what he can play the game on and if its suitable for the buyer. 

The logo!

In the logo we included a bow and arrow because its the main weapon used in the hunger games and it symbolises both the book, movie, and the upcoming game. We also put in fire flames as fire usually connotes action and therefore makes the buyer know that the game is action packed & full of adventure!

After completing this task i think i have learnt more about game promotion & its given me an insight on what we may be doing next year. It has made me very excited on fun tasks such as this one that i will be asked to produce in the next upcoming school year! 

Bye...For Now!

Ana :)

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